# Business and Personal Data

There are different types of data describing characteristics of farming businesses and actors involved in agricultural activities (e.g. farmers and other land users, planners of land use, representatives of interest groups, politicians in the agricultural sector, and consumers of agricultural products). These types of data include surveys, official and other statistics, interviews, workshops with experts’ judgements, focus groups, and other. They can be provided in different forms such as text, numbers, audios, or videos. The data can be distinguished between different statuses, i.e., raw data, result data, and syntax data. Thus, standards vary over different data types and statuses. This chapter focus on standards for raw data from surveys, statistical analysis and interviews.

Overview of existing standards

# Business Association ADM

# (Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute e.V.)

Represents the interests of private-sector market and social research agencies in Germany and provides guidelines and quality standards, e.g. about telephone, online and personal surveys, about focus group discussion, qualitative interviews and ethical standards in data collection.

# Certification and labels for organic farming


In the European Union the Council Regulation No 824/2007 [1] on organic production aims to ensure an “effective functioning of the internal market, guaranteeing fair competition”, and “protecting consumer interests”. It lists rules e.g. for livestock production, fertility management and soil protection.

# Demographic Standards 2016

This is a collection of Quality Reports about methods, definitions and standards for statistical information, including anonymization, table design, classification of professions, demographic standards, and macro and micro data statistics.

Joint recommendation by ADM and the German Federal Statistical Office provide survey versions. GESIS provides the ZIS Version 14.00, 2010, which is a collection of social science items and scales.

# Education, status and prestige

  • ISCED-International Standard Classification of Education by the UNESCO (1997/2011):
  • SIOPS/ISEI/EGP Occupational Status [2]
  • ESeC – European socio-economic classification (User Guide)

# Guidelines for Focus Groups

  • AIMRO (Association of Irish Market Research Organizations, 2009)
  • Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups [3]

Table 5: Standards and guidelines for methodological approaches

Standard Contents
Bio-based products - Life cycle assessment EN 16760:2015
Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) EN ISO 14021:2016/AMD 1:2021
Environmental management - Eco-efficiency assessment of product systems- Principles, requirements and guidelines EN ISO 14045:2012
Environmental management - Environmental communication- Guidelines & Examples EN ISO 14063:2020
Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation - Guidelines EN ISO 14031:2021
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment- Illustrative examples on how to apply EN ISO 14044 to impact assessment situations ISO/TR 14047:2012

Environmental management - Life cycle assessment- Requirements & Guidelines

(refers to the environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts e.g. resource use and impact of emissions over the product life cycle from raw material acquisition through production, use, waste treatment, recycling to final disposal)
EN ISO 14044:2006
Environmental management - Life cycle assessment- Principles & Framework EN ISO 14040:2006
Evaluation of sustainability VDI 4605:2017-10
Guidance on social responsibility ISO 26000:2010

Resource efficiency

Methodical principles and strategies
Raw Materials

VDI 4800-1:2016
VDI 4800-2:2016
Stakeholder Engagement - Guidelines for decision-making processes dealing with climate change (REGKLAM project) DIN SPEC 35810:2014
Sustainable management in small and medium-sized enterprises - Guidance notes for sustainable management VDI 4070-1:2016
Sustainability criteria for bioenergy ISO 13065:2015

Further Guidelines

# References

[1] COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (2007). Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91. Official Journal of the European Union.